Hello, welcome to the official website of Ningbo zhongkeke innovative energy technology Co., Ltd!
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In response to the company's business development needs, we sincerely invite the following personnel, welcome to engage in nano catalyst or fuel cell related personnel to join and pay attention!

The number and conditions of recruitment are as follows (salary, treatment and post requirements that are particularly suitable for or have relevant experience can be discussed separately):

Recruitment of R & D Engineer and process engineer

The requirements are as follows:

1、 R & D Engineer, 2 persons:

Work content: responsible for the development of Pt alloy catalyst.

Application requirements:

1. Bachelor degree or above, major in materials / Chemistry / physical chemistry / electrochemistry;

2. Have related research experience in the preparation of nano materials;

3. Experience in research and development of nano catalyst for fuel cell is preferred;

4. Have team work and good professionalism.

2、 Production engineer, 2 persons:

Work content: in charge of membrane electrode preparation and process optimization.

Application requirements:

1. Major in chemistry, materials science, electrochemistry, pharmacy, environmental science, etc;

2. Unlimited education background, college degree or above is preferred;

3. Experience in using spraying equipment is preferred;

4. Have strong executive power and obey the company's arrangement;

5. Have team work and good professionalism.

3、 Sales Manager, 2

Job description: responsible for the sales of nano catalyst, membrane electrode and related products of the company.

Application requirements:

1. Chemistry, materials science, electrochemistry, pharmacy, environmental science and other related majors, proficient in operating office software, proficient in the application of PPT, Excel;

2. Have a good team spirit, good coordination ability, can bear the work pressure;

3. Clear goal, full of enthusiasm for work, self-confidence, optimism, positive and serious working attitude, strong sense of responsibility;

4. Have good communication and expression ability, be able to grasp the customer's concerns in time and successfully complete the indicators;

5. Those who have sales work experience and can adapt to business trip are preferred.

Company welfare system: working meal + apartment accommodation + gym + physical examination + five insurances + housing fund + tourism + performance + year-end bonus, etc.

Working hours of the company: the company's actual single and double-day system, and normal rest on statutory holidays.

For the excellent talents who meet the development requirements of the company, the treatment is competitive in the local area.

It is hoped that talents in relevant research fields will apply enthusiastically and do not miss the opportunity.

Welcome to the attention of domestic fuel cell developers.

Please send your resume to zoull@cas-nano.cn, or send it through the company's website, thank you!

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